technische universität münchen computer science > net > pahl
> Nov 21, 2015 Workshop > Tempus IV
Internet of Things Smart Space Research Team (IoT-s2o)

Modernization of Master Program Networks and Communication - MoNetCom

European Commission Tempus IV Logo.

From 2009-2013 I was working on the "Modernization of Master Program Networks and Communication - MoNetCom" under the European Commission Tempus IV umbrella.

The aim of the European Tempus program is supporting the modernization of higher education in the partner countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region.

I contributed by supported the partners in creating lab courses for the networks and communication master education.

Partner Universities

  • Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Siberian Federal University, Russia
  • Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Russia
  • Irkutsk State Technical University, Russia
  • Barcelona School of Informatics, Spain
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
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