technische universität münchen computer science > net > pahl
> Cloud2011
Internet of Things Smart Space Research Team (IoT-s2o)

July 17th-22th, 2011: BFHZ Summer University Cloud Computing

From Sunday, July 17th, to Friday, July 22nd, I participated at the summer university "cloud computing" organised by the Bayrisch Französisches Hochschulzentrum.

Different aspects of cloud computing from the technical to the legal and socio-economic dimension were spanned by the summer school.

I presented a poster of my work.

lecture at the Summer School Cloud Computing organised by the Bayrisch Französisches Hochschulzentrum
Lecture to the legal aspects by Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer, LL.M., Technische Universität Dresden Law School


  • Godefroy Kugel (Franco-German University)
  • Hannemor Keidel (President of BFHZ)
  • Armin Nassehi (LMU)
  • Ernst Biersack (Eurecom)
  • Georg Carle (TU München)
  • Jared Jackson (Microsoft)
  • Pierre Senellart (Télécom ParisTech)
  • Wolf-Tilo Balke (TU Braunschweig)
  • Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom)
  • Volker Markl (TU Berlin)
  • Thomas Fetzer (TU Dresden)
  • Harald Kosch (Uni Passau)
  • David Coquil (Uni Passau)
  • Helmut Heller (LRZ)
  • Nils O. vor dem gentschen Felde (LMU)

See also:

at the Summer School Cloud Computing organised by the Bayrisch Französisches Hochschulzentrum
Participants of the Summer School Cloud Computing organised by the Bayrisch Französisches Hochschulzentrum

The event took place on the wonderful island of Frauenchiemsee. Additional to the directly topic related talks a great surrounding program with music (Zizal) and theater (Improtheater München) plays was organised.

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